Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 23 + Pre-Birthday Mleh-ness and Other Things

In exactly 2 hours and 30 minutes, I'm turning 20.

*le sigh*

I don't know, somehow, I'm a bit apprehensive of my birthday this year - and it's not just because I won't be a teenager anymore. For some reason, I'm scared of getting disappointed. I don't even know what sort of expectations I have, but after the best birthday - so far - I've had last year, I just get this feeling that tomorrow would be a bit or a huge let down.And it's silly, because I was never the kind of person who looked forward to their birthdays. Growing up, it was just another day for me. The only thing separating it from other days is the dinner celebration I have with my family - because the food is always great. 

Maybe because I know I won't be greeted by that one person tomorrow? Grr. So bad. It still affects me that much. It's just that I know tomorrow's going to be different from last year - I'm just not yet sure whether it's a good difference or a bad difference. I've been told however, to just let God surprise me tomorrow and who knows, I might actually enjoy myself tomorrow. Meh. I need to lower my expectations so I don't get disappointed.

I'm sorry, dear reader for putting a damper on your otherwise happy day - if you did have a happy day. And I'm sorry for sounding and acting like a brat. I know that whatever God gives and brings to me tomorrow, I should just be grateful for it. Hay. Mindset. It's all in the mindset. 

LALALALALALA Tomorrow will be a good day, and I will be happy, and God will let me experience His love all over again. :D

In other news, we were made to attend this talk called West's side of the Story: The Theology of the Body this afternoon. Christopher West is quite the convincing speaker, a bit of the entertainer too. I do commend the delivery of his talk, but while I sat and listened to his points, the uneasiness I felt gradually increased. He said a few things that roused some alarms in my head. And I can tell that he was trying to be really convincing about it, but it's just that every time he tries to quote the Bible - there's some misinterpretation. Like, I'm pretty sure 'Go forth and multiply' is not the first, nor is it the greatest commandment. And it's even taken out of context. Somehow, they've always taken that passage to mean to be fruitful, to have plenty of kids. 

Friends, discipleship kasi tinutukoy niyan, hindi punuin ang buong mundo ng mga tao. 

I don't know. I'm just thankful that I know God's word enough - that I am able to understand it in a way that I know I'm not misinterpreting it. I'm thankful for Bible Study Methods. I'm thankful for equipping classes. I'm thankful for the word and the truth that it contains.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17

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