Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Back From the Dead

And I practically was, you know, dead.

Of course, not literally. And of course, this is with a wee bit exaggeration. The gist is, school ate me up and eventually spat me back out. Yeah. It was that kind of relationship with my education this passed semester.

Anyway, I've only got a week and a half left before summer classes start. At first I was kind of peeved at the short break that we're given before we go back to working, but now that I think about it... I think it's better? 'Cause as much as I enjoy bumming around the house, I don't think I'll be able to do it for 2 months. Although, I don't understand why they had to extend summer classes up until the 25th of May though. Plus all these emails and advisories from the school that just makes me feel panicky because I feel like I've done something wrong. Man. I just hope that I'll still be able to go to camp this year.

Spiritually, I've been feeling kind of dry in that area - which can only be my fault since I haven't really been putting in the effort - and I can't help but feel like such a freak and that something's wrong with me. (Which, come to think of it, may not exactly be far from the truth) Actually, I've felt dry ever since things got super hectic with school. I remember hastily committing to Band 3 in Feb that when the time we actually had to lead, I just wanted to go home, rest, and shut everyone out of my world. I guess, I've been noticing that my anti-social side has been getting real spoiled lately. 

I need to take part in the world of the living. Again.

Anyway, tomorrow I'll be heading off to Karen's place with a bunch of other girls for a 'Girls' Day In' and to be honest, I'm excited. I know that I'm not supposed to rely on anyone else besides God for these things, but I hope that being with the girls help me with my relationship with God. 

I wish I would stop treating it as an obligation and just genuinely enjoy experiencing God and sink myself deeper into His Word. 

Oh Lord, I'm sorry I feel this way.

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