Friday, October 29, 2010

Something to Chew On.

So you know how some people say that it's really boring to read the Bible? Well... I'm betting some of those people haven't read the Old Testament. Though I have friends who say that the Old Testament isn't encouraging to read - and most of the time it's not - I have to admit that it's pretty interesting. 

See, I've already said how I was reading Joshua right, and a couple of days ago, I've started on Judges. I've only started and I'm not feeling any remote encouragement from it at all. But it's like reading the script of a big-budget action film - like Saving Private Ryan, the first 15 minutes of the movie at least. Ok, so far it hasn't been that gory yet. Just that the first 4 chapters include someone getting hammered on the head with a tent peg or someone doing the sepuku on another person. I don't know. I mean I knew the Old Testament included plenty of wars, I just never thought that there would be actual violence, explicit violence. Eh. I even thought maybe the Bible needed like a disclaimer or a warning or something. :|

I was reading Judges chapter 4 and it had the header Deborah on top. She's kind of like the first female Justice in the Bible. She was one of the judges God gave to the Israelites when they were misbehaving, kind of like a babysitter to spoiled kids. I don't exactly know what God is telling me through this passage. I suppose in a way it's as though He's giving me examples of women who can lead, women of faith and women who are driven and with goals. I mean she's not mentioned a lot in this chapter, even though it is her name as a header, but she was the one that delivered Israel from more misdemeanor, or stalled it at least. 

I don't know. But I'm going to go ahead and take it as God telling me that I can do anything I set my mind to, and with His help, I can accomplish them. God has been faithful to me this past semester, and I know He will be again not just for the next semester but forever. 

Next stop, Dean's List. 

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