"Holy, Holy, Holy,
is the Lord God Almighty
who was, and is, and is to come."
We've been singing this song for a long time now (or, well... I can't really remember when we started to sing and use this song during services), but I didn't really pay much attention to the title until now. Following Bible 365, although I am a couple of days late, today's devos was on Revelations 1-5 for me. So it just occurred to me now that the reason why they call it the Revelation Song was because they got it from Revelations 4:8 (give me a moment to absorb this. Haha). I always assumed that the reason behind the title was that something was revealed to the songwriters during the process of recording and writing this song.
Yes, sometimes I amuse myself with my own thoughts and ideas too.
And I think, I just want to meditate on this verse as well as the lyrics of the song. I guess, I'm just realizing how I've taken my relationship with God for granted. We always say how great and how awesome He is, and how much He loves us. But I think that we forget that He is also a holy God - blameless, sinless, perfect. He is everything that we are not. And for an imperfect, sinful, selfish person as myself, it's hard to wrap my brain around the fact that someone like Him would die for someone like me - that a perfect God would send His one and only Son to save me from condemnation.
Hi friends, this is what Christmas is all about.
It's the fulfillment of God's promise from all those millenia that has passed. It is also the greatest miracle given the fact that He came out of a virgin - and for some of us who grew up in Sunday School and in traditional Catholic schools, this fact sort of lost its charm after the first 10 lectures. But it shouldn't, it really shouldn't. This fact that may be easy for some of us to overlook is one of the greatest things that we will ever know. He is full God, who became full man (blameless, sinless, but man who was tempted just like us) to save us. I am left in such great wonder by this fact. Are you?
Revelations 4-5 give us the setting in heaven - His rightful place in Heaven, being worshiped and praised. I can't speak for anyone else, but it really excites me to worship Him in Heaven, to praise Him, and to bring further glory to His name for all eternity.
Hey God, thank You for sending Your son to die for us. Thank You for giving us Christmas, thank You for giving us something to celebrate. You are awesome.
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