"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain"
-Philippians 1:21 (NIV)
They say that Philippians is one of the most joyous book in the Bible, and I guess anyone would think that too seeing the word 'rejoice' several times throughout the entire book. For me though, I'm not sure if I completely believe it. I guess I'm just skeptical of the fact that someone can find joy in being locked up in jail, chained and all. I mean no matter how close a person's relationship with God is, they're still human and are still susceptible to feeling anxiety and fear. Of course I have no real way of finding out what Paul truly felt during his time in prison, but I have a feeling that he was putting up a brave front for Timothy and the Philippians. Or I could be totally wrong and he was, in fact, quite happy during the time of his captivity.
"Yes, and I will continue to rejoice..." -Phil. 1:18
"For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him." -Phil. 1:29
Like many, I've also asked myself why Paul would be joyful at such a time. Yes, I know it's part of the package when we agreed to be like Christ; that we'd all be persecuted and hated on by many just like him. But unlike Christ, we hurt and we have breakdowns, not saying that Christ wasn't human - because he became man - only that he had better control of his feelings. Or simply that he knew better that to think or act on his emotions. I suppose what Paul is showing us here is not just his great determination to be like his savior but a clear manifestation of his love for Christ. I kind of imagine him to be like: "Lord, I really hate it here and my situation really sucks but because I love you, I'm going to suck it up and make the most of this situation." That and he was saying how a lot of people are spreading the gospel with so many different motives as a reaction to his imprisonment. Seriously, talk about a flipping silver lining on a dark cloud.
There are only so few people who can think of the brighter side of things during terrible predicaments and even fewer who can still think of the furtherance of God's kingdom during a challenge like this. I'm not even going to pretend that I'm one of those few. I'm not. I've been blessed enough to not have that many drastic experiences in my life. But even during the times that I consider to be pretty challenging, I know I'm not the most optimistic person out there, but I do have hope that things would be better. I suppose I've mostly rested on the assurance that my God is in control.
I suppose, and hope, that that is what was going through Paul's mind at the time. That yes, it is an incredibly difficult time for him, but he's okay because God has got him covered.
Not only that, Paul also doesn't fail to remind us to keep living by example; that since we've all accepted Christ to be our Lord and Savior, it is then a natural reaction to be like him. I mean come on, the man's in jail writing a letter to his disciple and he still manages to stay positive about a lot of things. THAT is living by example - especially for all of us, whether Christian or not, a student or not. One mistake or one lousy day doesn't mean it is the end of the world. Whether or not that keeps on happening, God will still love you.
So then what does verse 21 mean? I suppose that means that if we truly want to be like our savior then nothing should hold us back or keep us from doing so. You don't follow Christ because there are perks or because you're afraid of eternal damnation. You follow him because you believe deep within your heart that without him, you will be lost forever; that nothing makes sense if he's not there to guide you and that it is so easy to just keep on sinning.
We follow Christ because we believe in him and because we want to be like him. And we want to be like him because we are so deeply in love with him.
Dear Lord, please help this child of yours to grow more deeply in love with you. Father, please guide me onto the path that you have laid out for me. May I follow that path with an open mind and open heart and with complete and utter obedience to your word. Grant me that happiness only you can give each time I spend time with you, Lord.
In Christ's name,
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